Sport's Therapy treatments help people from all walks of life overcome sports, or other mobility related issues so that they may return to their chosen sport/activity and perform to the best of their activity - be this National Level competitions or simply to participate in their local 'stretch and flex' class, in the shortest safest possible time.
Full clinical assessments are offered to help identify the source of injuries or discomfort and then the provision of a suitable treatment and rehabilitation program as necessary.
Initial Consultation and Assessment
To establish your goals and what treatment/s are best for you. This will involve hearing from you about what you want to achieve and a bit about your past / injury history. We will take a look at how you are moving and any particular structures that may be problematic and discuss what may help improve things for you. Some soft tissue work is likely to be given (time dependant) and / or simple self help exercises explained and demonstrated as applicable.
Follow up Treatments
Return visits to see how things are improving, provide soft tissue treatments, mobilizations and taping as applicable and agree progressive rehabilitation methods to help get you back to activity / or be able to increase the amount that you have been able to do.
Sports Massage
Hands on soft tissue work to help mobilise fascia, relax or stimulate muscles and mobilise joints. Treatments can break down adhesions that may be causing pain or limiting movement, facilitate optimum tissue repair, increase blood flow and improve lymphatic drainage. Techniques stretch the soft tissues to facilitate maximum performance and enhance physical conditioning. Neuromuscular facilitation may also be used to reduce pain at or caused by discrete irritable points in muscle or fascia, and / or muscle energy techniques, such as Post Isometric Relaxation (PIR) to improve your range of movement.
The application of rigid or flexible (Kinesiology) tape dependant upon the stage of injury.
In the early stages of an injury rigid tape may be required to support a joint and decrease its range of movement to prevent further damage. After the first few days the focus is on inhibiting those muscles that have gone into spasm around a joint to help allow movement within pain free limits, or to improve lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling. Flexible (K) tape would be used to achieve this.
As healing progresses and you start to regain more movement in a joint, it may help if the healing tissues are offloaded whilst their range of movement is increased. Specific Proprioceptive Rehabilitation Taping may be used for this or Rigid tape.
Finally once an injury is in the final stages of recovery muscle facilitation may be required to help get them working again and to help improve co-ordination. Flexible (K) Tape is used for this
For fees, please see the practitioner's profile page below:
Practitioner: Ryan Keats